Take charge of the chaos.
Live life on your terms.
Find out how online Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) therapy in New York, California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida can help you.
Life feels chaotic. And it’s hard for you to put your finger on why.
Somehow, the calm that you crave is always out of your reach, no matter what you do. Deep down, you might feel different from other people and unable to relate and be part of the crowd. You likely crave closeness and love, but keep finding yourself in relationships with major ups and downs, never quite getting that feeling of closeness that you want.
You may have noticed that you experience emotions more intensely than other people do, and that you struggle to cope with them effectively, even though you might be extremely competent in other areas of your life. You’re a good person, but sometimes you might feel guilty about how you behave towards the people you love — because, let’s face it — the big shifts you experience in how you think and feel can lead you to act in ways that don’t reflect the caring person that you feel you are deep inside. Sometimes, you might find yourself bingeing on food, alcohol, shopping, sex, or social media just to zone out a bit and get some relief from the intense feelings you feel.
It’s possible that a lot of the time, life feels unfair. It’s as if life is happening to you rather than you being the one who’s in the driver’s seat. You’ve likely tried everything you can think of to fix your problems, but nothing ever seems to work. You might have been in and out of therapy and accrued tons of diagnoses — all without ever feeling like you’re getting the help you really need. After all this, you might doubt that therapy or any other person can really help you.
Sometimes it just feels hopeless.
Does any of this resonate with you? You deserve to live life on your own terms and to not feel like your powerful emotions are calling the shots — especially in your closest relationships.
There’s a specialized, targeted therapy can help, even when it seems like nothing else has been able to work for you.
Your life doesn’t have to feel so out of control.
Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT) is a targeted therapy that can improve your ability to manage emotional ups and downs — especially in close relationships.
Research has shown that MBT can reduce suicide attempts, hospitalizations, psychiatric medication use, and use of mental health services in folks diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It can also help them to stay engaged and achieve more in school and at work. These improvements are sustained even after MBT treatment has concluded — one follow up study showed that these improvements were sustained even 5 years after the conclusion of treatment.
Hi, I’m Amie Roe, LCSW.
I’m passionate about helping people find the calm, closeness, and peace that’s been out of reach, despite their best efforts. I do this by staying unrelentingly curious, open minded, and focused about the problems my clients are facing. I don’t passively listen or nod along. I also don’t throw coping skills or techniques at deep-seated emotional problems. I work alongside you to better understand yourself and those around you moment to moment, so that you can feel more clear and a bit more in control in the face of life’s challenges — especially relationship difficulties. I do this using the tools of Mentalization Based Treatment (MBT), an evidence-based, effective treatment for personality disorders.
What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex, treatable mental health condition that can cause
intense emotions
ups and downs in close relationships
out-of-control-feeling relationships with food, sex, drugs, alcohol, or money
difficulty knowing and understanding who you really are
feelings of emptiness, numbness, or blankness
We’re all unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses, which can make BPD look and feel quite differently from person to person.
What is Binge Eating Disorder (BED)?
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a treatable eating disorder. Folks with BED experience episodes of eating a large quantity of food in a relatively short period of time. During these episodes, people tend to
eat quickly and secretively
feel out-of-control
eat when they’re not physically hungry
After these episodes, they might
feel physically uncomfortable due to the amount of food they’ve eaten
feel embarrassed, ashamed, or angry at themselves
have a hard time recalling particular details about the binge eating episode